The Heartbleed Bug Explained by Visuals
You've probably heard a lot about Heartbleed this week. Maybe you've read about it too trying to find out what it is, what it does and how to cope with it. There are thousands of news articles and blog posts [...]
Ensafer presentert på NSMs sikkerhetskonferanse 2014
Nasjonal Sikkerhetsmyndighet (NSM) arrangerte "Sikkerhetskonferansen 2014" den 18 -19. mars i Oslo. Det er en årlig konferanse som tiltrekker seg stadig flere personer, og den er et "must" for alle som jobber innen sikkerhet. Det ble satt rekord med ca. [...]
Teknisk Ukeblad omtaler Ensafer: “Gjør det skarpt etter Snowden-avsløringene”
Teknisk Ukeblad sin nettutgave omtalte sist uke Ensafer i en artikkel med overskriften "Norske krypteringsselskaper gjør det skarpt etter Snowden-avsløringene" med underteksten "Tilbyr enkel og gratis kryptering". Etter Snowden-avsløringene i fjor har krypteringsteknologi blitt stadig mer ettertraktet blant både investorer og [...]
Here is Your Coffee Guide for Your Sunday Coffee
Finally, it's Sunday. Millions are looking forward to this day - every week. You know why? Well, it's the coffee day of the week. So maybe you're going to your favorite coffee bar today to enjoy a Cappuccino. Or an [...]
The 15 Best Startup Accelerators In The U.S.
Startup (or business) accelerators, like Y Combinator and TechStars, have become very important in the tech landscape the recent years. They are not only in Silicon Valley, they are all over the place - both in the U.S. and spread [...]
Dagens Næringsliv: “Hackere jakter på norsk spissteknologi”
Jeg synes det er umåtelig bra når riksdekkende media skriver om datasikkerhet, og det er spesielt bra når seriøse aktører som Dagens Næringsliv (DN) gjør det. De har gjort det før, og de gjør det igjen nå. Denne gangen om hackere som [...]
Happy Birthday, Mac! 30 Years of Disruption.
Apple released the first Macintosh 30 years ago today; January 24th. That’s really something to celebrate. 30 years of the Mac computer. 30 years of innovation. Or should I say disruption? You can read about this anniversary all over Internet, [...]
Google Unveils Smart Contact Lens For Diabetics
Have you had enough of Google’s self-driving cars, Google Glass, an Internet network of balloons flying through the stratosphere and other breath-taking projects started by Google? Well, here's something quite new: A few days ago they introduced a smart contact lens [...]
BBC News: “2014 Is The Year of Encryption”
It's not often BBC writes about hard-core encryption, and it caught my interest when they the other day published an article with a headline telling that this year will be the year of encryption. This wouldn't have happened a year ago, and thanks to Edward [...]
Snapchat Hack Drives More Focus on Data Security
It's possible that you hadn't heard about Snapchat a couple of weeks ago. But it's most likely that you've heard about the Snapchat hack the last week or so. This breaking news has been all over the place, and a search on [...]
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