I’m proud to say that my company Invenia has launched a new product: Ensafer Messenger. It’s a mobile app designed to give you full privacy by using modern encryption to secure your messages. We’ve been working with this for a long time, and we released it on the App Store a few days ago.
You got it; it’s all about secure messaging.
As part of this launch, we’ve also designed a new website presenting both Ensafer Messenger and Ensafer Files for Dropbox encryption. Check it out at www.ensafer.com.
Go ahead, you can download it here for your iPhone. We’ll launch an Android version later on. I’ll be back with more blog posts on Ensafer Messenger later on.
If you want more information about Ensafer Files, please read more about it here at our website. At present it encrypts your Dropbox files. Later on it will encrypt other similar cloud services.
This blog post is based on a post at the Ensafer blog.
Happy encryption!