How To Craft A Killer Startup Investor Pitch [Infographic]

I like infographics. A lot of people do. And I’ve written several posts on this blog containing this kind of visual content. Startups is also a huge interest of mine, and I have a lot of posts on this issue. An important part of running a startup is investor pitching. So why not combine these two interest by presenting an infographic on how to craft a killer startup investor pitch.

I stumbled upon and wanted to share the infographic below by Fortunepick that outlines the pillars of a great startup pitch. It also outlines six steps towards crafting a successful pitch.

I’ve pitched a lot, and this is a great outline on how to communicate what your startup does. There are a lot of templates and how-to out there telling you all the details, but this is a good overview on your pitch. Along with this graphic, I recommend checking out Robin Wauters’ one-sentence startup pitch outline. Enjoy.

Investor Pitch

Teknisk Ukeblad omtaler Ensafer: “Gjør det skarpt etter Snowden-avsløringene”

Ensafer for Dropbox encryption

Teknisk Ukeblad sin nettutgave omtalte sist uke Ensafer i en artikkel med overskriften “Norske krypteringsselskaper gjør det skarpt etter Snowden-avsløringene” med underteksten “Tilbyr enkel og gratis kryptering”. Etter Snowden-avsløringene i fjor har krypteringsteknologi blitt stadig mer ettertraktet blant både investorer og privat- og bedriftskunder, skriver de videre i sin ingress. Det er så sant som det … Read more

Why Do Startups Hire Their Own Lawyers?

Startup Lawyer

Startups hiring their own lawyers is an important issue when they’re growing. TechCrunch published an interesting article on this topic today, and here’s the ingress: Airbnb challenged local hotel zoning laws, Uber took on taxi licensing requirements, and Pinterest built a business around posting copyrighted images. Startup companies that simply follow the rules risk getting … Read more

Ensafer pitching at Norwegian Investment Forum 2013

On October 15th I had the pleasure to pitch Ensafer at Norwegian Investment Forum 2013 (NIF) in Oslo. The conference was held at Oslotech with around 200 attendees and 24 selected startups giving their pitches and showcasing their products at individual stands in an expo area. This is an annual investment conference attracting attendees from … Read more

Lær å pitche i Tromsø av coach fra Silicon Valley!

Ønsker du å lære hvordan du selger inn ditt budskap, engasjerer tilhørere og skaper interesse fra kunder og investorer på 30 sekunder? Kan du tenke deg å lære hva som er de viktigste feilene man gjør i presentasjoner? Ønsker du å trene inn ditt eget budskap – og bli overrasket over hvor enkelt det kan … Read more