All blog posts written in English.

Attending “Silicon Vikings Valley Night” as panelist

I had the pleasure to attend a panel at an event arranged by Silicon Vikings Oslo Chapter on October 16th. The headline was "Silicon Vikings Valley Night" with John Montgomery, Jennifer Vessels and Eva [...]

November 7th, 2013|Categories: Ensafer, In English, Silicon Valley|Comments Off on Attending “Silicon Vikings Valley Night” as panelist

Ensafer pitching at Norwegian Investment Forum 2013

On October 15th I had the pleasure to pitch Ensafer at Norwegian Investment Forum 2013 (NIF) in Oslo. The conference was held at Oslotech with around 200 attendees and 24 [...]

October 22nd, 2013|Categories: Ensafer, In English, Startups|Comments Off on Ensafer pitching at Norwegian Investment Forum 2013

Attending IT Security Entrepreneurs’ Forum 2013 in Silicon Valley

Once again, and for the fifth time the last year, I’m back in the Bay Area. This time I’ve spent a week here arriving on March 18th and heading back [...]

March 25th, 2013|Categories: Ensafer, In English, Internet, IT Security, Silicon Valley, Startups, TINC|Comments Off on Attending IT Security Entrepreneurs’ Forum 2013 in Silicon Valley

My LinkedIn profile was one of the top 1% most viewed for 2012

Can you believe it? LinkedIn now has 200 million members, and my profile was one of the top 1% most viewed for 2012. Actually, I wouldn't have believed it - [...]

February 16th, 2013|Categories: In English, Social Media|Comments Off on My LinkedIn profile was one of the top 1% most viewed for 2012

PCWorld in USA: “Consumers might be interested in Ensafer”

A couple of days ago my inbox was filled with emails without me expecting it. All of a sudden there were hundreds of emails on my iPhone. What is happening [...]

November 15th, 2012|Categories: Ensafer, In English, Invenia, IT Security, Silicon Valley|Comments Off on PCWorld in USA: “Consumers might be interested in Ensafer”

Financial Times: Ensafer is a “Rising startup”

A couple of weeks ago Ensafer was launched at DEMO Fall 2012 in Silicon Valley – as I have written in an earlier blog post. And this is how I described [...]

October 21st, 2012|Categories: Ensafer, In English, IT Security, Silicon Valley, Startups|Comments Off on Financial Times: Ensafer is a “Rising startup”

Ensafer launched at DEMO in Silicon Valley

Last week I presented Ensafer at DEMO Fall 2012 in Santa Clara in Silicon Valley in front of 1.000 attendees, including 100 from the press. We were one of 75 [...]

October 11th, 2012|Categories: Ensafer, In English, Invenia, Silicon Valley, TINC|Comments Off on Ensafer launched at DEMO in Silicon Valley

Invenia goes south: We establish an office in Oslo

For many years Invenia has been located in the city of Tromsø in norhtern part of Norway with both management and R&D. It’s been a great place and an urban [...]

September 7th, 2012|Categories: Ensafer, In English, Invenia, Northern Norway, Silicon Valley|Comments Off on Invenia goes south: We establish an office in Oslo